WELLNESS FOCUSED INTERIOR DESIGN – designing interiors for health and well-being

Eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, mastering stress and practicing mindfulness,… it all definitely adds up to longevity and enhanced well-being. Nevertheless, we are becoming more and more aware of the role of our surroundings – the built environment in which we live, learn and work — play in this equation. The links between art, aesthetics, the built environment, health and wellbeing are nothing new, but applying it to our home environment is beginning to gather momentum. Wellness focused interior design is an on growing design ethos; it realizes that residential and commercial spaces can greatly influence our physical health, as well as our emotional state of mind.

With the COVID-19 pandemic sending more people to the hospital than usual, healthcare spaces have been thrust into the spotlight like never before. As we move further into 2022, hopefully the pressure will be off, but healthcare interior design trends will still be focused on creating beautiful and functional interior design.

Healthcare interiors have undergone a transformation from the cold and impersonal designs of the past. Healthcare design trends now favor unique and inviting spaces that make patients feel welcome and cared for before they even see the practitioner.

Incorporating one or more of these designs into a healthcare space can increase patient comfort and designing your space with THRESHOLD will ensure a safe separation of space where the spread of germs is mitigated.